Valerie A. Fontaine earned her JD from UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings) and her BA, Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude, from UCLA. She was on the Editorial Board of COMM/ENT, a Journal of Communications and Entertainment Law. Valerie practiced law with a prominent Los Angeles law firm and entered the legal search profession in 1981. Valerie is past Secretary to the Board of Directors of the National Association of Legal Search Consultants (NALSC) and former Chair of its Newsletter Committee. She currently serves as a consultant to NALSC headquarters.
The beginning of the holiday season is a good time to take stock of the things for which we are grateful. Numerous scientific studies found that having a grateful outlook, “counting one’s blessings,” and expressing gratitude to others can have positive effects on our physical and emotional health as well as on interpersonal relationships—including those at work.…
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In the good old days (pre-pandemic), when lawyers interviewed for jobs, they dressed up in suits, maybe flew across the country, met with numerous people – sometimes sequentially and sometimes together – shook hands, and perhaps ate a meal and had a glass of wine. With the Return to Office movement, those old-fashioned in-person interviews…
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Whether you’re using just one, or multiple, recruiters in your job search, you’re the one in charge. Search consultants can enhance and facilitate your search, but each recruiter only knows what he or she is doing; you know the whole picture. It’s up to you to keep all the moving parts on track and to…
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In today’s dynamic legal market, it’s possible to change jobs without leaving your desk—whether your desk is at home or in a commercial office building, or both, depending upon the day. With the increasing pace of partner moves, practice group acquisitions, spin-off firms, and law firm mergers, you might find yourself working for a progression…
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